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Thursday, February 7, 2008

30 Minute Fitness - Heart Health

Be Good to Your Heart
Heart disease is still the number one cause of death amoung men and women. Heart disease is usually defined as atherosclerosis, a fatty material deposited within the artery walls which cause a builup of plaque, thus causing an obstruction of the flow of blood.
The blocked arteries are the direct cause that usually leads to a heart attack or stroke. The best way to fight heart disease is through trying to prevent it before it becomes a problem.
Try these heart healthy habits:
1.Eat a diet that is low in saturated fat and includes 5 fruit and vegetable servings each day. Additionally put more soluble fiber into your diet. Things like whole grains, beans, oats and brown rice.
2.Exercise every day for at least 30 minutes a day to increase your energy level and decrease your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
3.Don't Smoke. Smoking has been proven toto increase your chances of developing clogged arteries.Smokers have twice the risk of developing heart disease than non smokers do. Don't think your out of the woods if you don't smoke but live with a smoker or work in a smoke filled environment. Second hand smoke increases the risk of heart disease by 20%. So getting your loved one to quit has direct beneficial health incentives for you also.
4.Stress Less.
Stress may not be directly linked to heart disease however it may contributeto heart complications. Increased stress has the ability to increase your heart rate, which in turn can lead to heart attacks in those who already have heart disease.

For more information on heart health, Check out the American Heart Association website at: