Ice or Heat for Injury?
Okay, so you've gotten back into the gym to help you be more healthy, but you've hit a speed bump. While doing your cardio work you twisted an ankle and half the people you talk with say put heat on it while the others say ice it.
Who's right?
For the last 20 years or so most trainers and sports physicians have prescribed the use of ice for their athletes in order to remedy the inflamation associated with injury.
Ice isused to it's maximum potential by using it immeadiately after your injury for a period of 48 to 72 hours, or until the swelling in and around the injury subsides.
Why Ice?
Ice will decrease the temerature, decrease the inflammation and decrease localized pain.
Is there ever cause to use heat?
Heat can actually be used once all the swelling hs diapated. The application of heat will have the effect of increasing blood flow, it will also begin to control spasms, and give the muscle some heat so you can begin to do some light stretching movements.
Why can't I use heat right after my injury?
Heat has the potential to cause greater swelling and compound the injury you have. If you have any questions about the application always choose ice.