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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Headaches and Exercise

Some people seem to think that exercise can solve all your problems. But are headache and exercise linked? Is exercise really a benefit to you if you suffer from migraine, or chronic headache?
Why Exercise can help you!
Not convinced? Think you're better off just taking a pill? Don't see the connection between headache and exercise?
Here's how exercise makes a difference if you are dealing with headaches.
» Reduced muscle tension You know, all that tension that makes you feel tired out all the time, that makes you not want to exercise in the first place? Another headache and exercise link.
» Reduced anxiety which makes it easier to cope with any kind of pain
» Toned up blood vessels, a place where an important part of the migraine and headache chain-reaction takes place.
» Increased relaxation in general
» Increased blood and lymph circulation That means more oxygen in (an important headache-fighter), and more toxins out!
» Reduced fatigue Some people believe that fatigue itself is a migraine trigger, or perhaps the lack of exercise that results.
» Improved sleep, more sleep Very important for the migraineur for a number of reasons!
» Improved digestion This means more nutrients that your body needs, and quick removal of toxins.
» Muscles less likely to spasm and trigger a headache.
» Blocking of “bad” chemicals Exercise causes complex chemical changes in the brain. Some believe that when some of these “good” chemicals start flowing, they actually block the “bad” chemicals that can be part of the migraine chain-reaction.
» Increased endomorphins in the body. Endomorphins are your body's natural painkillers. They also help you feel better overall. The problem is that endomorphin levels often seem to be low in migraineurs, and frequent use of painkillers can lower the level still further. If you can increase the endomorphins through exercise, you're decreasing your need for other painkillers and ending the downward spiral. Endomorphins are a huge headache and exercise bonus.
For a whole lot more information on headaches and treatment go to this website: